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Bliss 75 Mile Charity Walk


We're thrilled to announce that Beattie from IMS Shoeburyness and her friend Hollie will be walking an amazing 75 miles for a charity called Bliss. Please read Beattie’s story below to get some further information on this marvellous event and what Bliss is all about...


"Me and my friend Hollie have chosen to complete the 75 miles challenge in September to raise money for Bliss. Bliss is a charity that supports parents of premature babies and babies who are born sick. This is something very close to our hearts as both of our babies were unwell when they were born. We would appreciate any support or donations!"

- Beattie



In December 2023 I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl Honey. What should have been the best day of my life turned out to be the worst day of my life which transitioned into the worst week of my life. I had a traumatic birth due to being sent home when I shouldn’t have been and left with no pain relief resulting in me needing an ambulance being called out, as I nearly gave birth at home. I managed to get to the hospital just in time for honey to be born but as she was coming quickly and me being exhausted she went into distress and needed assistance resulting in a ventouse delivery. Honey was born not breathing so needed oxygen, I was only able to hold her for a matter of minutes before she needed to be taken to special care where I didn’t get to her for hours. She was placed into an incubator and the first time I properly held her after she had been born she had so many wires and tubes, it was petrifying. Honey was born with what they determined as suspected sepsis and ended up doing a 6 day stay in the hospital, I was discharged the day after I gave birth so I had to travel to the hospital everyday to see her. My poor Honey endured so much, she had to have a lumbar puncture, so many tests and constantly poking and prodding in them 6 days. To see your baby in that state is the worst thing you could see, it was traumatic for me and her dad.

The nurses at the hospital were amazing and took so much care of Honey and showed us nothing but compassion and support, we were given a little Christmas hamper and card from the nurses as Honey was in special care on Christmas Day. In that hamper we were given a Bliss pack and a little Bliss teddy to seek support. I know that Bliss help fund these hampers and help and support so many families going through this. To see your child like that and to not have them first moments you imagined you would is heartbreaking. We felt so robbed but now I can give back and help raise money for an amazing charity with an amazing cause! 

I will be doing this challenge for Honey and also for Hollies little one Noah. Noah was also poorly as a newborn so ended up in special care. It was a very traumatic time for Hollie and her partner as they went through so much heartache and worry. Thankfully Noah made a good recovery and is a healthy happy little boy.

Honey and Noah are now both happy healthy and thriving. Honey loves dancing fruits and is always smiling, and Noah loves flowers and Teletubbies. 

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Any donation will be amazing and we are so grateful for your support and help!

Full Article

Posted by Oli Rudling
6th August 2024

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